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The New Era of Work: How Hybrid Culture is Reshaping Business Travel

September 10, 2024

In the wake of the pandemic, the traditional 9-to-5 office model has undergone a seismic shift. At Huddle, we’ve observed a fascinating trend: the rise of hybrid work culture is not just changing where we work, but also how we approach business travel. Let’s explore this new landscape and think about what it means for […]

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Woman working on the Beach

In the wake of the pandemic, the traditional 9-to-5 office model has undergone a seismic shift. At Huddle, we’ve observed a fascinating trend: the rise of hybrid work culture is not just changing where we work, but also how we approach business travel. Let’s explore this new landscape and think about what it means for events, workplace culture and business travel..

The Hybrid Work Revolution

The pandemic forced a global experiment in remote work, and the results are in: employees love the flexibility. So much so that:

Woman Working from Home with Dog
  • 38% of remote workers (and 54% of work-from-home employees) would consider leaving their job if asked to return to the office full-time.
  • A staggering 99% of large companies have committed to long-term hybrid workplace plans.

Many of us already know team members who like their flexible work arrangements, and almost everyone has been forced to see the benefits of hybrid work at some time since the covid 19 pandemic. But this shift brings both opportunities and challenges. While employees enjoy better work-life balance, companies benefit from access to a wider talent pool. However, the lack of in-person interaction has left a void in company culture and innovation.

The Evolving Role of Business Travel

As we navigate this new normal, business travel is taking on a renewed importance. It’s no longer just about closing deals; it’s about fostering connection, driving innovation, mental health and shaping the corporate culture of an organization. Here’s how:

Traveling Business Woman
  1. Fostering Collaboration and Innovation: With daily office interactions gone, intentional in-person meetings become crucial for creativity and problem-solving. As event planners, we’re seeing a rise in requests for spaces that facilitate brainstorming and team-building activities.
  2. Employee Engagement and Wellbeing: Business travel is becoming a coveted perk. Companies are rethinking their travel policies to prioritize employee wellbeing, such as allowing upgrades on long-haul flights or ensuring departures within work hours.
  3. Building Company Culture: In a remote world, business travel becomes the new “office,” embodying company values and culture. From choosing sustainable travel options to selecting innovative venues, every aspect of a business trip can reinforce what a company stands for.

The Impact on Event Planning

At Huddle, we’re adapting our approach to meet these new needs:

Event planning
  • We’re designing more collaborative spaces within our events, facilitating those crucial face-to-face interactions.
  • We’re incorporating wellness elements into our event planning, recognizing the importance of holistic employee wellbeing.
  • We’re helping companies curate travel experiences that align with and reinforce their corporate values.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

The importance of business travel in this new era can’t be overstated:

Businesswoman Adding up Numbers
  • 82% of survey respondents said face-to-face meetings were invaluable.
  • Over 84% said business travel was essential to their job satisfaction.
  • More than 83% agreed it was key to their job success.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward, it’s clear that business travel and events will play a pivotal role in the success of hybrid work models, supporting employees at work and encouraging employees to take advantage of these experiences. At Huddle, we’re excited to partner with forward-thinking companies to create meaningful travel programs that drive employee engagement, foster innovation, and build strong company cultures.

Are you ready to reimagine your company’s approach to business travel and events in this new era of work? Let’s huddle and make it happen!

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