Huddle's Event Ideas

Dreaming about Travel? You’re not alone!

October 27, 2020

Discover the Top 5 Travel Destinations people are dreaming about during COVID-19.

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Discover the Top 5 Travel Destinations people are dreaming about during COVID.

Is anyone else dreaming about travel during this crazy pandemic? Not daydreams, actual dreams. Like when you wake up from a hybrid place that was somehow both Singapore and Austin, the taste of great noodles lingering on your palate and the feeling of those awesome cowboy boots you were rocking slowly fading….Or is that just us?

A lot has been written about our ‘collective subconscious’ in the pandemic, and it seems that we are all dreaming more in general, and about travel in particular. Many report very strange and sometimes unpleasant dreams during this time. According to experts, there are some practical reasons for this:

1 – We are sleeping more. Unless you are an essential worker or a working parent, you are most likely getting more sleep than you used to. Deirdre Barrett, a Harvard Medical School psychologist and dream specialist, told the Cut that “the spike in dream recall is a side effect of the slower-paced lifestyle some non-essential workers are now leading. ‘Changing one’s routine dramatically often leads to more dream recall,’ she says ‘Especially when the new routine involves more sleep. ‘

2 – We’re missing our friends and family. Many of us have not been able to travel to see friends and family this year, having to make do with faces on the other side of a screen. The surge in dreams about returning home indicates the heavy weight on people’s minds. One of the most challenges aspects of this is the uncertainty. We just don’t know when we will be able to travel again. And it is largely out of our control.

3 – We need a break! It’s been a crazy year. And many people’s daily lives have become much more confined and monotonous than they were prior to the pandemic. Many feel trapped, and the idea of escaping to an exotic destination is even more tantalizing than usual.

So where are we dreaming about going?

According to travel website Hopper, the five most searched international destinations during the pandemic have been San Juan, Puerto Rico; Cancun, Mexico; London, U.K.; Paris, France; and San Jose, Costa Rica, in that order. For those of us in the USA, the top search destinations have been Las Vegas, Nevada; Honolulu, Hawaii; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; and Denver, Colorado. For those of us in the USA, the top search destinations have been Las Vegas, Nevada; Honolulu, Hawaii; Los Angeles, California; Miami, Florida; and Denver, Colorado.

Sounds pretty good! We can’t wait to see the lights of the Vegas Strip again, or sip a Mai Tai in Waikiki. When it’s safe. But for now, keep on dreaming!

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