Huddle Event Reporting Optimizer – HERO

June 12, 2023

All your meeting and event data in one place so you can make strategic decisions about your program.    What is HERO? The ‘Huddle Event Reporting Optimizer’ is a cloud-based application that tracks data from your meetings and events program and displays it on a user-friendly dashboard to help you manage your program more effectively. […]

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All your meeting and event data in one place so you can make strategic decisions about your program.


What is HERO?

The ‘Huddle Event Reporting Optimizer’ is a cloud-based application that tracks data from your meetings and events program and displays it on a user-friendly dashboard to help you manage your program more effectively.


HERO gives you access to:

  • Live budgets

  • Real time registration data

  • Flight & transportation manifests

  • Status reports

  • Preferred supplier tracking

  • Savings measurement

  • Sustainability scorecard

  • ROI analysis

  • Risk management / delegate tracking

HERO - Huddle's Event Reporting Optimizer

HERO – Huddle’s Event Reporting Optimizer


Who uses HERO and why they love it…


Companies who want the data to make strategic decisions about their meetings and events.


Gives you easy access to the data you need to manage your meetings and events policy, negotiate preferred supplier agreements, and budget accurately.

Companies with internal events teams.

Internal events teams use HERO to effectively manage data from multiple events and to share relevant and actionable insights with finance, sales, marketing, HR and more.

Companies who want to measure return on investment for their meetings and events.

Measure return on investment for individual events or your entire program using customized data points that align with your company goals.

Companies with part-time planners across various departments.

Part time planners still plan the meeting and the business gains full visibility and mitigates risk.

Organizations who want to get a better handle on what they spend on meetings and events.

HERO’s user-friendly dashboard shows spend by event, department, supplier or destination.

Companies who want to measure and increase the sustainability of their meeting and events program.

Measure the sustainability of your meetings and events program and work with our team of experts to set targets that align with your company goals. Then simply track your progress on your dashboard and share your success!


As event planners, we developed HERO to make sure we always have easy access to the data we need. Our clients loved the dashboards and wanted access to HERO to measure ROI, sustainability and more. So we began to share our system with them…and HERO was born!
— Hayley Contegiacomo, CTO Huddle Agency



HERO gives you easy access to the answers to these important questions and more!


Contact us below to learn more about HERO and how it can give you easy access to the data you need to strategically manage your meeting and events.


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