Event Technology

Huddle Event Technology News: May 2024

May 15, 2024

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In Event Technology News, Huddle Agency’s event tech experts keep you updated on all the latest in global meeting technology, innovations, and event news. Check out what is happening since our last update, from high-tech exhibits to the implications of Apple’s Vision Pro to the event industry. 

Prince Harry’s Travalyst Champions Consistency in Sustainable Travel Practices

Prince Harry sustainable travel practices travelyst

Founded by Prince Harry in 2019, Travalyst is spearheading a movement to standardize the presentation of sustainability metrics across the travel industry. Event professionals will know well how complex it can be comparing different sustainability metrics across markets, countries and even brands. Standardization will help save time and money, making event management simpler. This initiative has garnered the support of major industry players such as Amadeus, Booking.com, Expedia Group, Google, Skyscanner, Travelport, Trip.com Group, Tripadvisor, and Visa. Together, these partners represent a formidable market influence, with a combined valuation of $1.88 trillion. 

Travalyst’s mission extends beyond information dissemination; it aims to make sustainable travel practices a mainstream norm. The organization operates on a hybrid funding model combining partner fees with philanthropic contributions, which facilitates the broad distribution of essential data on the environmental impact concerning water, waste, energy, biodiversity, and local community interactions. This strategic alignment across the industry underscores a global shift towards more responsible travel.

New Avenues for AI Expertise in Public Speaking through Speak About AI

AI public speaker at conference

The recent surge in artificial intelligence applications across various sectors has sparked a high demand for AI expertise at public events. This can pose a problem for event production, since finding a great speaker on a topic can be difficult even without the extraordinary interest in the space. Addressing this need, magician and event organizer Robert Strong has founded Speak About AI. Officially launched at the beginning of this year after much anticipation, the platform is designed to connect AI professionals with opportunities to speak at events, providing them with a structured environment to manage their engagements. 

This initiative comes at a pivotal time when AI technologies, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have entered the mainstream, catapulting the demand for knowledgeable speakers in the field. Speak About AI is not only facilitating these connections but also enhancing the professional development of AI experts by helping them navigate the logistical aspects of speaking engagements and communication tools.

UNICEF’s Heart Strings Exhibit: An Interactive Journey of Empowerment and Advocacy

In collaboration with the renowned multimedia studio Moment Factory, UNICEF has launched an innovative exhibit titled “Heart Strings.” This multi-city tour started in Houston and is set to travel to Atlanta, Boston, and Chicago, among other cities. The exhibit transforms visitors’ heartbeats, voices, and movements into a dynamic and evolving real-time musical piece, symbolizing the collective effort required to support children worldwide. 

By integrating technology with real human stories and multimedia elements, the exhibit creates a unique environment where attendees can experience the impact of their individual contributions to a larger cause—UNICEF’s mission to improve children’s lives globally. This powerful installation not only raises awareness but also funds for UNICEF’s critical initiatives.

Exploring the Potential and Challenges of Apple’s Vision Pro in the Event Industry

The release of Apple’s Vision Pro headset at the steep price of $3,500 has sparked significant interest and debate within the technology and events sector. This high-tech device promises to redefine immersive experiences, offering applications that range from enhanced virtual meetings to dynamic gaming environments.  

Despite its potential, the Vision Pro faces skepticism regarding its price and the social implications of widespread VR adoption. While the technology offers novel interactive possibilities, there is a risk of increasing social isolation among users. Creating immersive group experiences that encourage direct interaction, a philosophy that contrasts with solitary VR engagements, will be key in making it an information sharing, social addition rather than an isolating and atomizing one. As the debate continues, the Vision Pro’s role in future event technologies remains a topic of keen interest and speculation.

Thanks for joining us in another exciting installment of Huddle’s Event Technology News. If you want to know more about how technology can be used to save you time, money and also save the environment talk to an expert at Huddle today!

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