sustainable events

Measuring Event Impact: Why you Need to Know Where you are Starting From 

May 31, 2024

Why your program’s impact is essential for setting long term goals, measuring progress, and making decisions

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Before embarking on the journey of planning sustainable events it is crucial for event managers to understand where they are starting from. Knowing the current state of your program’s environmental impact is essential for setting long term goals, measuring progress, and making informed decisions throughout the planning process. 

But events are so complex that it can be a daunting task for event managers to know where to start with accurately measuring and reporting on the impact of their events. Use a tool like EventZero that has been specifically designed to make it easy for event planners to calculate and report on the impact of events, with everything from carbon accounting to waste impact. EventZero also allows you to offset the impact of your events and track your progress to your event sustainability goals. 

Understanding where you are starting from allows you to set realistic and achievable sustainability goals for your new green events. Whether it’s reducing waste, conserving energy, or promoting local and organic products, having a clear picture of your current practices will

help you establish meaningful targets that align with your values and objectives. 

A tool like EventZero is specifically designed for the events industry, using emissions data to help account for the scope 3 emissions many others ignore. These indirect emissions can have a dramatic impact on an event’s carbon footprint, making them important to focus on when trying to reduce carbon emissions. 

Moreover, knowing your starting point will enable you to communicate your sustainability efforts effectively to stakeholders, sponsors, and attendees. By sharing data and progress updates, you can build trust, credibility, and engagement around your event’s green initiatives, inspiring others to join your journey towards a greener future with greener supply chains and gradual carbon reduction.

In conclusion, a solid audit of your existing position is the first step towards planning a successful and sustainable event. By assessing your current practices, setting realistic goals, and communicating your efforts transparently, you can make a meaningful impact on the environment and create a memorable experience for all involved.

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