Risk Management

June 12, 2023

   Risk Management Market leading integrated technology that keeps your people safe when they travel for meetings and events.    Integrated Data We talk to many companies who are struggling to integrate meetings and events data into their traveler tracking and risk management systems. At Huddle, we are experts in ensuring your data is complete […]

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Risk Management

Market leading integrated technology that keeps your people safe when they travel for meetings and events.


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Integrated Data

We talk to many companies who are struggling to integrate meetings and events data into their traveler tracking and risk management systems.

At Huddle, we are experts in ensuring your data is complete and your travelers are protected while they attend all components of your meetings and events.


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Support on the ground

In our experience, there are some things that are out of our control, even for the most thorough event planners. Natural disasters, strikes and various world events can mean that our attendees are in the wrong place at the wrong time.

At Huddle, we always have a plan in place for emergency evacuations and experts on hand to ensure your people are safely removed from the situation.

We can locate everyone, ask them to confirm they are ok via their app, send out detailed instructions and arrange emergency travel plans if required.


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Detailed Risk Assessment

Meeting, incentive, conference and event (MICE) travel often includes destinations and hotels that do not appear in your day-to-day travel program.

At Huddle, we provide detailed risk assessments to help you select the right destination and to protect your travelers while they are on-site.


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Traveler tracking & assistance

Ensure you know where your travelers are even when they are travelling for a meeting, incentive, conference or event with Huddle’s market leading traveler tracking capabilities.

You will no longer lose sight of attendees when they step off the plane for a meeting or event. We can tell you where they are for every aspect of their event agenda including offsite excursions or dinners. We have got you covered!



Complete the form below to get in touch with Huddle’s Risk Management experts to begin to assess your program and how we can assist.


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